Royal Trux Accelerator
Royal Trux: Neil Hagerty (vocals, guitar, kazoo, midi, bass, keyboards, pennywhistle, percussion, harmonica); Jennifer Herrema (vocals); Timothy McClain (synthesizer); Ken Nasta (floor tom, snare, cymbals, cowbell); Rian Murphy (background vocals).
Indie darlings Royal Trux do their best to embody the spirit of trailer trash America on ACCELERATOR, but their irony and eclecticism betray them as postmodern stoner artistes. Imagine Ween on a particularly bad trip, armed with a stack of Marshall amps, and you'll have an idea of the sonic foundation upon which ACCELERATOR is based. Distorted power chords and riffs vie with off-kilter percussion and filtered, goofy vocals delivering even goofier, dadaistic lyrics. "Juicy Juice" is representative, with nursery rhyme- simplistic lyrics, full throttle '70s-sounding guitar riffs and plenty of gonzo enthusiasm. If you don't take your turn-of-the-millennium indie rock too seriously, ACCELERATOR may be the way to go.
- Released: 03/29/2019
- Genre: Pop
- Rock & Pop: Pop
- Format: Vinyl
- RSD Release Date: DDD