Jets To Brazil: Blake Schwarzenbach (vocals, guitar, keyboards); Bryan Maryansky (guitar); Jeremy Chatelain (bass); Chris Daly (drums).
Being one of the more anticipated independent releases of 1998, Orange Rhyming Dictionary combines emo-inflected pop sensibilities with the occasional keyboards. Despite the occasional use of wah-wah pedal guitars in "I Typed for Miles," which sounds almost identical to Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box," Jets to Brazil live up to their hype. Most of the songs clock in at an epic length while containing storytelling lyrics with Blake Schwarzenbach's (formerly of Jawbreaker) trademark raspy vocals. Mood swings also accompany the sound of Orange Rhyming Dictionary, which can move from laid-back and gloomy too upbeat and not as gloomy, all in a good sort of way though. Definitely recommended. ~ Mike DaRonco
- Genre: Pop
- Rock & Pop: Pop
- Format: Vinyl
- RSD Release Date: DDD
- Released: 10/13/2017